Chicken Pattice .

I was craving these particular pattices/cutlets I used to buy from a small parsi/catholic bakery in Mahim when I was in school . The taste as I remembered was savoury, texture creamy with a hint of chilli and a capsicum sometimes. Dipped in egg and fried . They used to have oil dripping from them But oh ! So tasty and soul satisfying . Used to be a treat when mum used to buy me a couple on her way to teach me hindi at my already ongoing tuitions. 

I tried to recreate them yesterday . I boiled potatoes . Applied ginger garlic salt to the chicken and pressure cooked that in its own juices . 

Then grated  the potatoes and mixed and mashed with processed cheese , shredded chicken, salt pepper . Dipped in egg and shallow fried . 

Though the end product was tasty it didn't have the exact taste of my childhood memories.

So the craving was till strong today as well . 

Then I thought why not keep simple and give it one more try.  

So here Goes 

250 gms chicken ( take as per your preference) 

02 medium potatoes ( boiled along with chicken and salt and a dash of vinegar).


Shred the chicken and mash potatoes with a bit of more salt if needed and pepper powder . I added 4 green chillies chopped finely . 

Make into flat pattices dip in egg and shallow fry . 

Took one bite and the memories gushed was spot on . ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ So happy and satisfied .
